All Upside Down Virtual Gatherings are scheduled on Eastern Time
All people are deeply impacted by connections made in childhood. Unfortunately, for many children, healthy connections are not the biggest influences in their life, but rather trauma, abuse, and neglect shape their view and interactions with the world.
Join us on September 17 when Casey Call, Assistant Director at the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development, leads us in exploring the impact of trauma on the brain, as well as strategies for promoting healing.
This virtual gathering will provide understanding to pastors, ministers, foster parents, and adoptive parents about the vulnerability of children from hard places while offering practical steps and resources for them to provide trauma-informed care in their churches, ministries, and homes.
Scroll down to get the Zoom information to join in on this virtual gathering.
Casey Call, Assistant Director, Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development
Casey is the Assistant Director at the TCU Institute of Child Development, and a passionate advocate for vulnerable children and families. Her responsibilities include research, training, and outreach connected to Trust-Based Relational Intervention®. Casey also teaches, advises, and mentors TCU students in the Child Development undergraduate and graduate programs. Casey is a Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor and is a registered Circle of Security® parent educator. She has also received training in Theraplay® Level One and in scoring the Strange Situation Protocol. Casey has earned advanced degrees in elementary education, counseling, and developmental psychology. She is passionate about bringing trauma-informed interventions into systems of care, especially educational systems.
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