Step 2: Build Relationships in Community of Need

Here are a few ways relationships can be built in communities of need:

  • Move into the community! Although this is considered by many a radical step, nothing helps a minister build relationships in a community like an incarnational presence—becoming flesh, and dwelling among others. Is God calling you to relocate to a community of need?

  • Eat with people. Take time to sit, eat, listen, and talk with people from all walks of life.

  • Complete a community asset survey (Resource Available Below)

  • Prayer walk the community in small groups (Resource Available Below)

  • Identify churches and schools within the community

    • Take time to listen to community members and leaders about what is needed within the community

    • Ask, “Is there something we can join rather than start something new?”

    • Is there potential to work with the school to help with literacy needs?

  • Host event(s) that “bless the many.”


**Sample resource materials are branded with Graffiti 2 Community Ministries’ logo and location-specific information. These materials can be reproduced or serve as a starting point in developing materials specific for the local ministry or church**